Politically incorrect trumps scientifically incorrect

Kevin Roberts has resigned (as head coach of Publicis Groupe, executive chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi/Fallon, and member of the Publicis Groupe management board) due to the storm of indignation after he made some mildly politically incorrect comments –  he essentially said he thought sexism was worse in other sectors than it was in the advertising industry.

As a feminist I don’t think this does our cause any good, more important issues (e.g. how few female members of parliament we have, child marriage, and FGM) are being drowned out by issues that are easy to sell to the spoilt and trendy.  I agree with Joanna Williams’ analysis of the affair.

As a marketing Professor I’m  dismayed how, in comparison, the marketing community saw little problem with Kevin Robert’s decades of Brandlove nonsense; indeed many snapped up his silly book, built their brand metric systems on his ideas, and so on.  It seems that marketers find it much easier to identify the politically incorrect than the scientifically incorrect.

Similarly fellow members of the Publicis management board had no problem with Kevin selling nonsense to advertisers (if it makes money…?) .  Nor did they have any problem with someone without a marketing degree being “head coach” for their staff, most of whom are young and also without formal marketing training.

No wonder marketers aren’t taken seriously.


3 thoughts on “Politically incorrect trumps scientifically incorrect

  1. I mentioned Brand Love and Love Marks at the time – I even quoted it. Major wrong move was he name-checked Cindy Gallop and put her in a basket of female (not necessarily feminist) deplorables

    • Also, Joanna doesn’t specify if she’s using global, US or UK statistics on gender gap. Latest IPA on Diversity’s pay by gender survey report was too hard to interpret – comparing women’s salaries across all staff instead of all women or all men? Some mathematical wizardry was involved there. Too magic for me.

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